We all love coding, we all love robot, although we have not built one before, but we are all in for a competition in 2024 Pi War!
To ease our parents’ concerns about online safety, we have all choosen a nick name for each of us to use in all our online materials. Do you think that is a good idea? Anyway, we have here Panda, Elephant, Dolphin, Monkey, Realflame, and Yeti.
We have come up with a list of names on what our team should be called. Here are few: Nuclear Bomb, StarSearcher, Blue, BraveBot, lightening … As you can see we have a very divised group of creative minds here. And we have decided on the relatively plain “BraveBot” to make ourselves more understandable to others.
And with team name, we are called to a mission, so we name ourselves ‘MissionMaster’.
Thanks for your patience of reading this far. Wish us good luck!